This may be controversial but, we prefer our dairy cows be grain fed.

We feed our Jersey cows grain twice a day while being milked, and here’s why:
– it maintains their body condition. This is especially important in the winter time when there isn’t green grass to graze on. They have access to hay all day, but it isn’t enough to make sure their condition is healthy!
This is also controlled, it isn’t a free-for-all where they eat as much as they want. We give them specific amounts while they are in lactation. Their bodies are using so much energy to produce milk for us, and they need fuel to give them energy and maintain their milk supply. While our cows are in a ‘dry period’ ( season where they are resting and not producing milk, usually two months before calving) they get significantly LESS grain. They aren’t making milk, which would mean they’re using less energy. Which is why, at all times of the year our girls grain intake is monitored. Giving them a large amount of grain is dangerous. Too much grain can cause acidosis.
– it keeps them happy + content during milking. It is SO SO important for your cows to be happy and not stressed during milking time. A stressed cow will not let her milk down. Which complicates many things, no milk, risk of mastitis because she isn’t being milked out. Feeding grain helps them stay busy and munching on some grain just makes for a happy cow!
– it also makes giving supplements such as vitamins or minerals should they need it, easier. We can mix it into their grain which makes it stress free for them and they’re still getting what they need.
Those are the top reasons we use grain, and I know this is such a controversial topic. Grain fed vs. only pasture fed. But really, just do what works for your farm and cow. Grain fed works for us and their milk is as sweet as ever!